Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Day or Two with the Flu

Well, I got the flu and started having symptoms right after lunch yesterday. By bed time I wanted to rip that hurting tummy out of my body. Luckily, today is much better -- just lots of runs to the bathroom. Sigh!

The good news is that I have lowered my insulin dosage once again this morning. Hooray! I had left it the same yesterday and my numbers got so low twice during the day that I had to eat extra calories with 2 large snacks -- so it was time to lower again.

I am also trying for a goal of 1200 to 1400 calories per day this week. 1200 calories is what I should be at to maintain my goal weight.

My leg muscles are getting stronger, although I am more tired today with this "bug" bugging me.

Yesterday's report card:

Weight:                                  237
Calories:                             2,010 
Exercise minutes:                 150
Average blood sugar:           123

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